Welcome to my site, here you’ll find info about me and links to reach me.
So who am i? I’m Armas, an 18 years old guy from Finland who’s keen on learning new things and gaining more experiences.
I’m pretty good at photography, it’s not my profession but a hobby. I use the iPhone 13 Pro Max to shoot my shots and edit them slightly with basic editing softwares. I considered i should make something out of my art, that’s why i opened my Etsy shop. I’m planning on opening my shop on other platforms too, but for now i use Etsy. I partnered with Printful, they allow me to design my product while they hell with production and shipping. Basically i want to start from somewhere, and Printful sounds like a good option for starters. When i have gathered enough resources i’ll buy myself proper tools to make my products from start to finish. That means prices will probably go down a little as i have more control over the price!
If you’re up to it, you might want to go follow me on my social medias. I’ll provide you with links to them.
I’m motivated to get this thing started! I’d love for you to join me on my journey.